Monthly Archives: March 2018

Besøg Babyer: Babies Visiting Older People

While last at the sundhedsplejerske I saw an advert for ‘besøgbabyer’. This is where parents and their babies visit people in nursing homes with the aim of spreading some smiles. I had always wanted to do this so I contacted Dybbøl Plejecentre and Mølleparken Plejecenter to see if they were interested. And they were!

Organising the visits was very easy. An email or a phone call and within a few days a date and time were set. I invited others from mother group Sonderborg to join me and then we just turned up on the day.

The visits were very pleasant, low intensity visits, where we sat and talked, passed on our babies to the older people to hold (My little one spent a very pleasant hour sitting on a former dagplejemor’s arms without a single complaint from him!) and generally had a pleasant time.

Want to organise your own visit?

If you are interested in doing similar I would suggest you contact:

Dybbøl Plejecenter: Gitte on 27 90 01 86 or

Mølleparkens Plejecenter: Hanne on 27903920

Or just ring up to the plejecenter you are interested in as I did and I’m sure they will be all up for it!

Both Plejecenters were also very interested in having regular visits so if this interests you be sure to suggest it.

Image is Russell Harrison Photography and shared under CC-share-alike.

Spices of Dansborg: Indian take-away food in Sønderborg

Spices of Dansborg is a South Indian home delivery catering services. When Prakash and Krithika first moved to Denmark 3 years ago, they found it really hard to find good traditional South Indian food here. So they decided to do something about it.

The company was originally started in January 2017 in Copenhagen, but a job move for Prakash, the face of the company, to Sonderborg resulted in the company being re-established in Sonderborg earlier this year. The cooking is then done by Prakash’s wife, Krithika, and two other Indian ladies she met through their kids’ school: Prianka and Divya.

The company is mainly based on facebook. There you can find the menu from which you can select what you want and order via facebook chat on a quick call. Once you order delivery is free if you order for the Sonderborg are and for more than 200 DKK; if cost is less delivery costs start at 10 DKK. Orders should preferably be in 3 hours before delivery is required, except for parties, where a week notice is preferred.

Being big fans of good Indian food we decided to give it a try with friends, ordering a selection of dishes, from chicken biryani to panniyaram. The food arrived hot and on time and was all very well received, especially the paneer butter masala. Unfortunately they had no lamb when we ordered. So a pity that we haven’t tried it but it gives us the best excuse to order again (not that we need much encouragement).

The other photos in this post are from the Facebook page but this is our photo of how we got the food. (We didn’t care for presenting it nicely we just wanted to eat!)

So what can we say? Check out the menu items, speak to them on facebook or call them on 5010 1046 to discuss what you want, and just wait for the food to be delivered and dig in!

Where to go sledding in Sønderborg

I have been quite disappointed in the winters we have had in Sønderborg the last two years. This year our oldest kid is 3 years old so he does enjoy snow.

Until the end of February all we really had was a few days of melting snow – just enough to make a snowman that quickly buckled under the temperatures a few days later.

But now – finally – as spring is officially starting in Denmark we get a decent dose of winter.

Where to find good hills for sledding

I asked on the excellent Facebook group Aktiviteter i Sønderborg (For børn) for suggestions for where to go sledding and received a lot of suggestions so I have added them to a map of sledding hills in Sønderborg (Kælkebakker i Sønderborg).

Which spot is your favourite? We have only tried one of these spots but will try and make it to some of them close to us.

If your favourite spot is not listed do write a comment or send us an email to let us know and we’ll add it.

If you are not in Sønderborg check out the Kælkebakke Kortet some areas of Denmark are quite well covered.