In the last weeks weather had squeezed a lot of water eastwards, towards the Baltic Sea. As this water moved back westwards into the inner waters of Denmark on Friday this resulted in flooding of the lower parts of the Sonderborg.
I discovered this around noon when I walked down to the fisherman in front of the castle only to discover that the whole pier had flooded. Quite disappointed that I could not get fish but more so that I for once had not brought my camera with me.
Luckily other people did bring out their camera like YouTube user Nohau1959 who took this 11 minute time lapse video of the water taking over the pier.
Local blogger Stine from 6400 Happimess was also on the spot with her camera and got some cool photos as she tests the waters:
Also on Twitter a great photo appeared from William Philipsen.!/wphilipsen/status/155318054836912128
Update 10/01/12: William just uploaded more of his pictures to Flickr:
It even made it on national TV with a reporter standing in the freezing water and a happy kayaker sailing down the street (at 1.22 in the video).
The flooding was expected a day in advance so most places people were prepared and so far I have not heard of any major damages.
While the Sonderborg-side was getting flooded the harbour on Dybbol-side is higher and did not flood so with a bit of extra walking I managed to get the fresh fish I was after.
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