Having a baby is tough on your body, not least your shoulders and back once you’re rocking and hauling him around. I, therefore, finally decided to make use of Michael’s parents birthday gift to me: money for a massage.
There are a number of places where you can get a massage in Sonderborg, with most of them seeming to be at a physiotherapist. However, I decided to go for something different: a traditional Thai massage. This is offered by a Thai lady called Nisa Rodphet. I called her on a Saturday and made an appointment for 1.5 hrs later.
The clinic is located on Ringgade. It is easy to find the building, but maybe less so the actual door as the first sign directs you to the basement but actually it is round the corner. Once you are walking out, however, it is easy to spot the place.
First impressions are that the clinic is actually part of the living space in her apartment that has been turned into a massage area. It is relatively well cut off from the rest of the living space so it doesn’t feel intrusive. However, it is less shielded from the road where, considering you are getting undressed, is a bit surprising. Also, if the next client arrives early there is less privacy than I expected.
Nevertheless the massage itself was really good (at least for my first Thai massage!). Nisa worked mainly on my shoulders, back, arms and legs, with a bit on my head/face as well. These areas are quite a bit looser now, which was the aim. Don’t expect the massage to be very relaxing though, as expected the massage is quite thorough, but it does feel good.
So if privacy is not your biggest concern (or having a sterile-clean location) and you fancy a Thai massage do try this place out. It cost 300 DKK for a massage, which is a good price for a massage in this area. You can drop in, but if you can it would be best if you call ahead to make sure she does not have other clients.
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