Tag Archives: cake

Brunch at Brøggeriet

Last year we started a ‘survey’ of weekend brunch places in the area. Having Michael’s mum visiting on Sunday we decided to expand on this list by trying out Brøggeriet’s brunch. We arrived at Broggeriet close to opening time at 10am so it was absolutely no issue to find a table. It being a very warm day the tables outside were also available so we opted for one of those.

As part of the brunch, coffee or tea are included. The coffee comes black, with continuous top-ups. I was the only one having tea on our table. You get a sachet of earl grey tea and a glass of hot water. I wasn’t offered a selection of tea, so not sure whether other teas were available. However, milk was provided when asked. There were no extra top ups for tea (though may be available if asked).

The brunch was, of course, set up inside the restaurant itself so while the tea and coffee were being prepared we went for our first look. The brunch area is set up in two: a warm area with sausages, eggs, a quiche, grilled tomatoes and pancakes and a cold area with cheese and cured meats, fish, fruit and yoghurt. Oh…and cake! The variety here was bigger than what we saw at Cafe Figo.

None of us had anything negative to say about the food, except that the yoghurt was quite warm (but tasted good), having been on the table for a while. The day being very warm, this is to be expected. I was not impressed with the quiche, but then I rarely am in Denmark, but Michael liked it.

Going to the highlights I would say that the selection of fruit was good, I liked the pancakes (though there were different kinds… the small thick ones at the start and the thin big ones at the end) and the 2 cakes on offer (a cheesecake and an almond/marzipan cake) were absolutely gorgeous! The cheeses on offer were also quite varied and tasted good.

Verdict: At 109 DKK including coffee/tea, the price is cheaper than Cafe Figo and the same as the buffet at Ib Rehne Cairo (although that one also offers free juice). The selection was good and the quality very decent. Would try it again, but not before trying the Ib Rehne Cairo full buffet to see what that is about.

Danish Wedding Traditions

So far we have written about general Danish celebration traditions. Although most of those are also true for a Danish wedding (particularly the speeches!), there are a couple of other traditions that are worth knowing if this will be your first experience.

The first time I attended a Danish wedding I was surprised as to how much of a spotlight the wedding couple was under and that as a guest I felt more of an observer than a participant (rightly so, you may say – this is their day). What about you? Have you been to one? And if so, what surprised you? These are a few other things that surprised me.

Let’s Stamp and Clink

You may be expecting an uninterrupted dinner with pleasant conversation with the people sitting next to you. However, if the speeches haven’t already put paid to this expectation, there is one more thing you have to keep an eye (or ear) out for. During the meal, at random intervals, the guests will either stamp their feet or clink their cutlery against glass or plates. If the stamping happens, the couple have to go under the table and kiss. If the latter, they have to stand on chairs and kiss.

You may kiss the bride (or groom)

If the groom leaves the room you will see all the guys get up as well. They will quickly queue up to go and kiss the bride, and vice-versa; when the bride leaves the room all the girls will rush to give the groom a cheeky kiss. So don’t worry – you will be kept active as well!

First Dance

You may be looking forward to cake following dinner (and all the activity around it). However, If the cutting of the cake is a major event in your culture’s weddings, you will probably be disappointed. Instead, a major occurrence is the first dance. This has to happen before midnight (as otherwise your wedding day is over), but also close to midnight, as this is when the couple changes status from unmarried to married.

As a guest you do not only watch. You also have to get involved! As the couple dances, the guests surround them, clapping in unison and getting closer and closer to the couple until the couple can no longer move…and they kiss amid (thunderous) applause.

The Cutting of the Cake Socks

Back to the cake! The cake will be cut, but even more importantly is that the socks are cut! After the first dance, the guys often pick up the groom, take off his shoes, and cut his socks. Apparently it is for the guy to see how good his new wife is at sewing. Let’s just hope I am never put to this test!

Cutting the grooms socks + why we do that I dont know