Tag Archives: things to do

Sauna Experience at Humlehoj Hallen

Humlehoj Hallen is mostly know for its pool. During weekends and holidays and in the evenings it is often full of people swimming up and down the lanes, children training, or just playing in the toddler pool. But twice a week, outside of opening hours, there is a
different kind of experience possible: a saunagus.

Saunagus Sønderborg

My first reaction was: but what is a saunagus? Saunagus refers to the use of aromatherapy oils as part of the sauna experience, where besides water being thrown onto the hot coals to bring up the temperature, aromatherapy oils are also added, in the process vapourising the oils to reach your senses.

Michael and I tried this experience at Humlehoj on a Tuesday evening. We arrived a bit before time to be directed into the pool from the side door, we paid our 50 DKK and were directed to the showers to get changed into our swimming suits ready for the experience to begin.

The experience consists of 3 sessions of 10 minutes each, each with their own aromatherapy oil. When we went we started with ginger and lavender, then elderflower, and finished with lemon grass. During the 10 minutes the saunagus leader adds water and oils to the coals and then swirls towels or a fan around the room, helping the hot vapours to reach the participants. At points a sprinkling of cold water is also offered. When the 10 minutes are up you then can go outside, cool down under the shower heads and also jump into the pool.

If you ask me how the experience was, I would say: HOT! As a beginner I could feel the temperature, but sitting on the lowest step helped. Most of the others when we went there however have been there many times and enjoy the high temperatures. Each mini-session being limited to 10 minutes also meant that it didn’t get too much, although if that is the case you can easily leave the sauna to cool down a bit.

Another thing I would say would be that the experience felt surprisingly indulgent, especially for 50 DKK! The atmosphere is very relaxed and friendly. The pool is darkened and illuminated with under-water lighting. You also get little treats along the way, but I won’t spoil the fun there. I guess for 50 DKK I expected just the bare bones.

I can definitely see this being something I would do with my friends for a relaxing evening together, or when my mother comes to visit, or on another occasion with Michael. If I had to remember anything I think for next time I would take an exfoliating cream to apply between sessions as some of the other more experienced saunagus-goers had.

If you’re interested first of all look at the Humlehoj hallen webpage to check when the sessions are. The dates seem to change every month, but there are typically 2 sessions a week. Do send a text to the number on the webpage, or an email to Humlehoj hallen to book in advance. On the day we went the saunagus was full, and people trying to book for upcoming dates found many dates booked. Once you’re booked just go there and enjoy the experience. And maybe come back and tell us what you think about it!

Image by Thomas Wanhoff

Football Golf – Yes that’s a thing

You probably haven’t heard of Footballgolf – but that is an actual sport and we have a 18-hole course right here on Als!

When my 10 year old, football-crazy nephew came to visit us this summer I challenged him for a game of Footballgolf.

The game was invented in Sweden not too many years ago and is more or less played like golf but instead of a small ball and an iron you just have a football – and a bigger hole. The international name is “Footballgolf” although in Ireland they have named it Footee. Here’s a video that explains the game (in Danish):

Als Fodbold Golf was started in 2012. It consists of 18 very different courses that each have a special “feature”, some of them are quite innovative and challenging. For instance hole number 13 has these gates where if you hit through the top triangle you get 2 kicks deducted.

Next to the course there is a covered area where you can eat your lunch or picnic. We spent about an hour and a half doing the course and we were very well entertained and we had hole-in-ones and giant blunders to tell about when we got home.

The price is 100 DKK for adults and 50 DKK for kids under 16 – kids under 5 play for free.

To play at the field you get the ball and score cards from Egen Put&Take lake at the address below.

Als Fodbold Golf
Nordborgvej 120
6430 Nordborg

Go kayaking on Alssund

Sonderborg is surrounded by a lot of water and it is one of the best places in Denmark to kayak as it is almost always possible to find calm waters to sail in.


Before moving to Sonderborg I had researched what watersports there are in the area and had fallen for the idea of joining Sønderborg Kajak Klub the local kayak club.

In order to be a member you have to complete a “beginners course” which is done in the spring. There are limited places available for the beginners course so it is a good idea to sign up before April 1st.

The first test before you get in a kayak is a swimming test. You have to be able to swim 600 meters. After that the course starts on the water. The course is either done over 8 evenings or throughout a weekend + one evening. In the course of the programme you have to kayak at least 50 km and be able to perform different tasks in the kayak.


Parts of the requirements are that you fall in the water a couple of times. And as our course was the first of the year we got our first dip in 7 degrees water in May. BRRRRR – that sure makes your heart beat!

Once you have completed the course and the tests you are allowed to take the clubs kayaks out on your own.

We did the course last spring and this year we have recently started to go out on our own. And it is a great experience to get out on the water.


Sønderborg Kajak Klub

The club was started in 1938 and today it has about 250 members and 40 boats which means there is always a boat available when you want to go out.

The club house is right on the water close to the new bridge. This means that you just carry your boat out of the boathouse and into the water – very convenient.

Membership is 850 DKK per year, however the first year it is 1000 DKK including the beginners course.

Universe – Revisited


Universe (then called Danfoss Universe) was my first introduction to Sonderborg 3 years ago, way before we had any plans to move to Denmark. It is a science theme park where people can interact with science in a fun and enjoyable way through hundreds of hands-on activities, from Segway rides, to themed exhibits. I loved my time in the park then so now that the new season has started it was well worth visiting again to check out what was new.

Hurtig på Segway

The Name

The biggest change that cannot possibly escape you is in the name. In 2013 Danfoss Universe dropped the Danfoss part of the name to become Universe, an independent foundation. This should enable the park to become bigger (and, better?). A number of changes could, in fact, already be seen in place!

Weekend Events

Prior to this year most of the main events have consisted of the daily science show, as well as workshops, such as this rocket-building workshop. However, this year there is a whole programme of events during the weekends. This weekend it was Jimmy Enoch with his circus act. It was great fun watching him (if a bit scary!) and having a workshop with him on how to use different circus tricks and the unicycle.


If you missed it there is still a lot to come. From gymnasts (Flying Super Kids) to Children’s tv personalities (Hr Skraeg, Sofie Ostergaard), to Soapbox car building  and rally, your kids should be happily entertained.

Speed: This year’s theme

Every year Universe celebrates one particular theme. Last year it was ‘The body’. This year the theme is ‘Speed‘. One of the highlights appears to be the ‘race room’, where up to 8 people can race together to see who comes out fastest. There is also a leaderboard with the top times so far. Other connected attractions include the hands-on exhibits in the Cumulus and the 5D simulator of being in a race car. If you’ve been before visiting this part of the place is possibly worth it.

New Attractions

The waterworks part of the park has been extended! When I’ve been there before I loved playing around in this part of the exhibit. I do come from an island after all, so water is in my genes! This has now been extended with more set-ups for kids (whatever their age) to play around in.


All in all, Universe is a good place to spend an enjoyable day, especially if the sun is out as it has been this weekend. There’s enough variety to keep kids entertained as well as the bigger kids (also known as adults). So a definite place to put on your list if you’re visiting the area, as well as if you live here.


Disclaimer: Michael works at Universe as a Web developer. 


Paper boxes

Papirmuseets By in Grasten #13/99

Papirmuseets By, or Paper Museum Town, is the retail outlet for Karen Marie Klip. In spite of its name, it is not a museum in the traditional sense. Although it is essentially a shop, there is much more than shopping to be had.

The shop is set up to showcase various ideas for things to make out of paper. In this way it does function as a museum, justifying the name. Besides showcasing the ideas, you can also buy the resources needed to make similar items. The items vary from table settings, to gift wrappings, and whole displays such as a Christmas town, Advent calendar or Christmas train.

My favourite were undoubtedly the gift boxes. I always struggle with what to place gifts in (the few times I actually buy gifts)! This is especially so when giving someone a cash gift or a voucher, or even something small. The varied paper on offer as well as the different shapes surely satisfy most of such problems.

Paper boxes

Besides the shop and display there is also an area with tables and resources for courses or for people to assemble what they buy. I think this is a very useful feature, considering that I would probably not have too good an idea of where to start. There is also a small cafe if you want something to eat or drink. And if you’re bored of paper? There is always the  12,000 m2 of garden to enjoy.

6300 Grasten, Denmark

Hail the Start of a New Movement

Hail ‘The Movement’! All hail ‘The Movement’! What movement?

The Movement of Doing Something About It.

Huh? Come again?

The movement of doing something about it‘ (I will call it TMODSAI from now on – I’m a scientist after all…I love abbreviations) emerged out of the Sonderborg 2017 bid currently vying to make Sonderborg and the border region European Cultural Capital in 2017. It is one of the ways that the people of Sonderborg are showing that even though Sonderborg may not have the resources of a big city, if we want something to happen we are willing to work to make it happen.

TMODSAI was launched on the 6th of March at Alsion. As was clearly explained during the launch, this is not a movement where your only role is that of a spectator. As the following video shows, a movement is all about participating and being part of what is going on.

I was at first slightly apprehensive at moving to Sonderborg from London. However, seeing all the energy that the people have I have been impressed. So what are you waiting for? Become part of the movement… organise an event… be a follower for others’ events… do something about it!