While last at the sundhedsplejerske I saw an advert for ‘besøgbabyer’. This is where parents and their babies visit people in nursing homes with the aim of spreading some smiles. I had always wanted to do this so I contacted Dybbøl Plejecentre and Mølleparken Plejecenter to see if they were interested. And they were!
Organising the visits was very easy. An email or a phone call and within a few days a date and time were set. I invited others from mother group Sonderborg to join me and then we just turned up on the day.
The visits were very pleasant, low intensity visits, where we sat and talked, passed on our babies to the older people to hold (My little one spent a very pleasant hour sitting on a former dagplejemor’s arms without a single complaint from him!) and generally had a pleasant time.
Want to organise your own visit?
If you are interested in doing similar I would suggest you contact:
Dybbøl Plejecenter: Gitte on 27 90 01 86 or gelu@sonderborg.dk
Mølleparkens Plejecenter: Hanne on 27903920
Or just ring up to the plejecenter you are interested in as I did and I’m sure they will be all up for it!
Both Plejecenters were also very interested in having regular visits so if this interests you be sure to suggest it.
Image is Russell Harrison Photography and shared under CC-share-alike.
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