Tag Archives: amateur

NEATA Festival in Sonderborg

The North European Amateur Theatre Alliance, or NEATA for short, will be holding its biennial festival in Sonderborg starting from today. The festival brings together 12 amateur theatre companies, mainly from the Nordic and Baltic regions, but also from the rest of Europe.

For participants the festival consists of 5 days of intensive activities, including theatre performances, workshops and lectures. But what about the rest of us?

We can enjoy the fruits of the labour of the theatre companies by attending a variety of theatre productions being put on in Sonderborg (mainly Sonderborg theatre and Sonderborghus). The events are listed below:

Tuesday 31st of July
Iceland “Prodigal” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 20.30 21.45
Wednesday 1st of August
Faroe Islands “Kennir tu Magar” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 14.00 14.40
NEATA Youth Sønderborghus Kl. 15.15 16.00
Norway “Antechamber” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 16.30 17.30
Festival Colloquia Sønderborghus Kl. 19.30 20.30
Romania “As Water Reflects the Face” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 21.00 22.00
Thursday 2nd of August
Sweden “Vita Pumps” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 13.40 14.30
Denmark / Landsbyteatret “Al min sorg og al min glæde” Sønderborghus Kl. 14.50 16.20
Denmark / Dunkelfolket “Dunkel parade” Ramblaen Kl. 19.15 19.45
Festival Colloquia Sønderborghus Kl. 20.00 21.00
Lithuania “Why is love?” Sønderborghus Kl. 21.15 22.15
Friday 3rd of August
Finland “Hi!&Goodbye” Sønderborghus Kl. 14.00 14.45
Latvia “Living Water” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 15.15 16.55
Estonia “A Marriage Proposal” Sønderborghus Kl. 17.30 18.00
Festival Colloquia Sønderborghus Kl. 19.30 20.30
Denmark / Arrièregarden “Nobody´s Home” Sønderborg Teater Kl. 21.00 21.50
Saturday 4th of August
Festival Colloquia Sønderborghus Kl. 10.00 12.00
International DigiDelight Symposium Digital Dramatic Dreams – stories of light Alsion Kl. 15.00 18.10

If you are interested in attending any of the events you can order your free tickets on +45 28 19 73 06.