Tag Archives: running

Run around Sonderborg with Vidar Motion

Do you enjoying exercising? Running? Breaking into a sweat? No? Neither do I!

I haven’t done much exercise since I moved to Denmark (or while I lived in the UK, for that matter). The last time I was semi-seriously doing something was when I played softball while living in Malta. However, I knew I had to do something to get my ass out of the sofa. So when an acquaintance mentioned the ‘Vidar Motion club’ I decided to drag myself down to Sonderborg’s track to check what it is all about.

Vidar Motion is a running club for exercisers who want to enjoy themselves while doing something to maintain well-being. The club meets on Tuesdays at 6pm at Sonderborg’s track on Ringridervej. The meeting starts with a short warming up session led by one of the trainers. This can vary from extremely light to extremely demanding, depending on who is leading on the day.

Following the warm up session, the group divides itself into teams, and the individual groups set off on runs around Sonderborg, depending on their target. The different teams’ target can be to run 4-4.5km with breaks after 20 weeks up to running a full marathon. You can also move between teams throughout the course of the training programme, depending on how you are feeling on the day. You can find the day’s training programme online prior to the run, so you know exactly how much you will run. For someone who likes to feel in control, this is great.

So we went once, and got my first ever Cooper test (6 minute Cooper tests are done twice in a 20 week programme). Then went the second time and joined group A. I found that didn’t challenge me as much as I would like, so I moved to group B for the next time, which is the group I have stuck to – the right balance of feeling pushed, without dragging everyone down with me (I hope!).

As you can probably figure out I have actually kept on going! Now, I am not the most sporty person ever, so was has kept me going? First of all, I appreciate that I can just go, run, and go back home. I don’t feel the pressure to socialise after the meeting as I have done with other clubs here. Also, the fact that it takes less than 1 hour a week is a great bonus.

Joining the club costs only 150 DKK, and you can do as we did. Go down, check it out, and if you enjoy it, join up as a full member.  Its a great way to see new areas in Sonderborg and a great way to get some exercise at your own fitness level.

Read more on Vidar Motion.

What’s on in May 2012?

Every month visitsonderborg.com publish a quite extensive calendar of events for the upcoming weeks. May seems to herald in a whole range of festivals and flea markets, and this being spring makes it the perfect time to explore the surrounding countryside. These are the events that caught our eye, but you can have a look at the complete calendar here.


During the first weekend (3-6) there is the Graasten market and music festival and the Nordborg city festival. From the 17th to the 20th of May it is the turn of Sonderborg to have its own city festival. There will also be the Rum Regatta in Sonderborg and Flensburg. Nøffelskov Festival then occurs on the 26th of May.

Flea Markets

Flea markets, known as ‘loppemarked’ in Danish, appear to be a favourite activity of Danes, with sports clubs and social associations organising them as a way raising funds for their organisation or charities. On the 14th, 21st and 28th there will be a flea market at `Den Røde Plads` (The Red Square) from 10am-5pm at Stationsvej 2, 6430 Nordborg.

Get Moving

You will probably find something to catch your eye this month, whether you are interested in long-distance running (100km Als Rundt Run on 17th of May) or shorter running distances (1864-run on the 27th of May). If you are interested in something more sedate there is Ladywalk on the 21st of May, or any number of countryside walks organised by Fodslaw as well as other organisations. You can also get a tour of Graasten palace and gardens on the 17th, 27th and 28th of May (though only in Danish or German).