We have lived in Sonderborg for around 6 months now, and of course there are things I really love, and things I really miss. So before going home to Malta for a short holiday I thought I would think about my thoughts on living here.
Things I Love
- Living close to the sea
- My new bike (particularly that it has a Back pedal brake)
- Our apartment
- The greenness of my trip to work
- Basmati rice from our local ethnic store
- The big windows in our living room
- Being able to see the stars at night
- The friendly people we have met
- The friendly guy on the bus who smiles every morning
- My job
Things I miss
- Farmers’ markets on a Sunday (or any other day for that matter)
- Mediterranean style of interaction
- Being spoilt for choice with high quality shows
- Regular pillows! (i.e. rectangular, and offer some support)
- People having the vocabulary to say what they mean
- Ginger beer (and Kinnie)
- Being presented with the right utensils for the right dish
- Village feasts
- Large luscious parks to lounge about on a good day
- Shorter summer days, longer winter ones.
Add Yours →Hej, Prøve at liv alle ting det dig mangler i Sønderborg på Malta. Have en god ferie, og en god rejse til Malta. 🙂
Yes :). I did just that!