Second hand shops in Sonderborg

If you need furniture for your flat for cheap or you are a vintage hunter the secondhand shops in Sønderborg might be what you are looking for.

Ann and the books

In the past years the second hand industry in Denmark has seen a boom. From 2009 to 2011 it is estimated that the second hand market went up 87%.

In Sønderborg we have seen or heard of 7 shops all run by volunteers to fund various projects.

Danmission in St. Rådhusgade 19
This is the newest shop in town. They have clothes, furnitures and a small section with fairtrade products from their projects. Opening hours ?

Kirkens Genbrug, Spang 11, Ulkebøl
They have furniture, clothes, books, etc. Some of the items they even put up on their website. This is one of the biggest shops in the area but also the furthest away from centre. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 10 – 17 and Saturday 10 – 12.

Kirkens Korshær Rodekassen, Brogade 7 (Close to the castle)
There is mainly clothes but also antiques and some books here. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 13 – 17

Kirkens Korshær Kramboden, Goethesgade 6
This one has clothes and a few other smaller items. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 11 – 17

Kirkens Korshær Møbelgenbrug, Vølundsgade 10
A big shop with all sorts of furnitures, electronics and things for the home. Opening hours are Monday to Thursday 11 – 17, Friday 11 – 15, Saturday 10 – 12

Røde Kors Genbrug, Løngang 10
The shop only have clothing and shoes for adults. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 11 – 17

Røde Kors Genbrug, Hilmar Finsens Gade 10
The shop sells clothing for adults and children. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 11 – 17

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Three local bloggers quite often blog about some of their finds in the second hand shops of Sonderborg:

A lot of private people sell their used stuff online on sites similar to the British gumtree or the American Craigslist. In Denmark the biggest sites for second hand items sold are:

Finally there are one-off flea markets and car booth sales that you have to watch the local newspapers to hear about or subscribe to HejSonderborg and we will tell you.

1 Comment

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Oh, thank you for the link, I’m very proud to be mentioned 🙂
And really great post, I have bookmarked it to whenever I get in doubt of the opening hours 😉

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