This is one of the biggest events in Sonderborg and will draw loads of people out into the streets. It is the 15th time there is a Sports and Culture Night in Sonderborg. It has gotten progressively bigger over the years and this year more than 100 sports clubs and other associations are taking part in one way or another.
The activities during the night take place across the centre of Sonderborg, where the different organisations have been allocated a spot and time slot for their presentation. A few organisations are doing the events in their own facilities so you have to go to their building (club house, church etc.).
Highlights are:
- Announcement of European Capital of Culture 2017 at 4pm at Town Hall Square
- Parade from three places starting at 5pm ending at Town Hall Square at 5.30pm
- Fireworks over the water at 10.35pm
- Sending 1700 runners off at 10.55pm
Here are most of the locations:
The square in front of the S2017 shop
The Knight Ballroom
21.00—22.30 Come-and-go concert with song, guitar and sax
16.00—21.00 Exhibit of an artist
19.00—22.00 Open for visits. Tour of the permanent collection at 20.00
17.00-22.00 Open House
17.00-21.00 Open House
17.00-21.00 Open House
17.00-22.00 Enjoy paintings and live jazz
17.00-21.00 Open House
Søndre Landevej 28
6400 Sonderborg, Denmark
17.00-21.00 Music and evning song
The full Danish programme is found as PDF here. The text, times and locations mentioned below are our translations/interpretations from the Danish programme.
17.00-17.25 Gymnastics Show by Midtals Idrætsforening
17.25-17.50 Gymnastics Show by Idræts SFO Sønderskov Skolen
17.50-18.00 Aerobic Show by Sønderborg Aerobic Klub
18.00-18.20 Jumping Gymnastics by Vidar Gymnastik og Kampsport
18.20-18.35 Rhönrad (Rolling wheel) by TS Sønderborg
18.35-18.55 Karate show by Ashihara Karate
18.55-19.05 Winner is announced from the ”ZeroCup” boat race
19.05-19.25 Get in Line Linedance
19.25-19.35 Aerobic Show by Sønderborg Aerobic Klub
19.35-20.05 Gymnastics Show by DGI Sønderborg Egnen
20.05-20.25 Taekwondo Show by Taekwondo Chung Un
20.25-20.35 Aerobic Show by Sønderborg Aerobic Klub
20.35-20.50 Rhönrad (Rolling wheel) by TS Sønderborg
20.50-21.10 Line Dance Show by Sønderborg Line Dancers
21.10-21.30 Contradance Show by Sønderborg Contradance
21.30-22.00 Music and Song by Randi & Bjarne
22.00-22.20 Dance School Youths Show – Randis danseskole
ca. 22.25 The runners assemble on Søndertorv
After the race start: Tattoo by Sønderborg Garden
Fireworks over the Sound
22.35 big fireworks show over the water. Launched from Sundgade on the Dybbøl side so you will probably get the best view from the castle.
Sønderborg Castle – The Knight Ballroom
17.00-17.30 Classic music by skilled students at MGK
17.30-18.15 Matrix Quartet playing performing Schubert, Shostakovitch and Dvorak
18.15-18.45 The Choir of North Als (Nordalskoret)
18.45-19.30 South Danish girls and boys choir (Sønderjysk pige– og drengekor)
19.30-20.00 Choir by Ældresagen
20.00-20.15 Violin and cello duo performing Bach and R. Gliere
20.15-21.00 Quartet performing Haydn, Carl Nielsen, Edvard Grieg and more
21.00-22.00 Swinging jazz by Opus 2.
Town Hall Square/Rådhustorvet
14.30-15.00 Michael Vogensen playing
15.00-16.00 Music School pupils
16.00-17.00 Direct connection to the mayor for results from the jury verdict and Jeppe Rapp entertaining
17.15-17.30 Nordals Choir
17.00-17.30 Parade with Gråsten Garden and Sønderborg Garden
17.30-18.00 Fashion Show part 1
18.00-19.30 Ray Darwin – Jamaican reggea music
19.30-19.45 Award ceremony from integration council
19.45-20.30 Fashion Show part 2
21.00-22.15 Rock concert with Hardinger, Thorup and B-Joe
22.45-00.00 Pink Floyd Lovers
Rønhave Plads
17.00-?? Jazz Festival/Concerts
Steps in front of castle
Sønderborg Yacht Club
17.00-22.00: Demonstrating boats
Sebbe Als
17.00-22.00: The oldest viking ship replica sailing in Denmark is based in Augustenborg. They would love to have more members to join on their sailing trips.
Swimming Club Sønderborg
19.00-20.30: Playing water polo in the harbour.
15.00-18.00: Some sort of sail boat competition between the marina and harbour of Sonderborg.
Other places in town
“Ice Rink”
15.00—20.30 Street handball competition
Night Race
22.35-23.30 6km run with 1700 participants. Starting in front of castle.
Sct. Marie Church
21.00—22.30 Come-and-go concert with song, guitar and sax
Art School/Sønderjyllands Kunstskole
16.00—21.00 Exhibit of an artist
German library/Deutsches Museum Nordschleswig
19.00—22.00 Open for visits. Tour of the permanent collection at 20.00
Tilting at the ring museum/Ringridermuseet
17.00-22.00 Open House
VUC Sønderjylland
17.00-21.00 Open House
Free Masons/Den Danske Frimurerorden
17.00-21.00 Open House
The Little Gallery/Det lille Galleri
17.00-22.00 Enjoy paintings and live jazz
Odd Fellow Logen
17.00-21.00 Open House
Radiomuseum/Sønderjyllands Radiomuseum
Lutheran missionary/Bethania
17.00-21.00 Music and evning song
And more…
You can also go visit the stalls of all these organisations:
Bridgeklubben ”Enigheden”
Dybbøl Efterskole
VUC Sønderjylland
Sønderborg Bibliotek
Sønderborg Skyttekreds
Metal Sønderborg
Catena Logen
Sdbg. Hjerneskadeforening
Dansk Handicap Forbund
Brand og Redning Sønderborg & Pionertjenesten
Sundhedscentrets Rehabiliteringsteam
Dansk Røde Kors
Dansk Vandrelaug
Hjernesagen Aabenraa-Sønderborg
Business College Syd
Sønderborg Modelflyveklub
Sønderborg Sportsdykker Klub
Sønderborg Linedancere
Børns Voksenvenner
Eckersberg Børneuniversitet
Sønderborg Bloddonorkorps
Venstre i Sønderborg kommune
Venstres Ungdom
Kirkens Korshær
Sdbg. Sports og Helsecenter
Sdbg Teakwondoklub
Amnestys Lokalforening for Sønderborg og Sundeved
Konservative vælgerforening
Mølleparkens Plecenter
Taekwondo Klubben ”Chung Un”
Kræftens Bekæmpelse
Dansk Folkeparti
Kegnæs Friskole
Sønderborg International School
Ligeværd Sønderborg
Alsalsa Dans
Alssund Golfklub
Apoaf: Apopleksi/Afasiramte
De Tyske Foreninger
FOA Sønderborg
Folk og Forsvar
Gigtforeningen Sønderborg
Socialistisk Folkeparti
Ung til Ung i Sønderborg Kommune
Tangoforeningen La Cunita
Colclear Implant Forening
FDF Sønderborg
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