Two young guys, Kim Groth and Fynn Laue, have spent the last four weeks running around town, jumping in the freezing water and flying high to make shots for the profile video you see above.
During the production they kept a video blog which has been an entertaining look behind the scene.
We asked Kim and Fynn a couple of questions.
Where did you get the idea from to make this video?
We were hired by the Sønderborg community and ProjectZero to make a kind of promotional movie about the city.
When in pre-production we talked to a lot of key-people and interesting folks. Then we took all the information we got and wrote the voice over that made the basis for the movie.
Was it expensive to make and how did you finance it?
Compared to our other projects it is the most expensive at the time being. We were paid for making the movie but had to pay car-rental and buy new gear by our selves.
What languages is the video being translated into?
English, German and Danish.
Did you learn something new about the area during filming?
Oh yes!! Inspite of living here for more than 18 years now, we found that there still was a lot of stuff we didn’t know about. The skating hall for instance.
What is you favorite spot in the city?
The beach! It is so peaceful and the best place to make hard decisions.
I enjoyed watching your video blogs – did it take a lot of time to produce them?
About 3-4 hours per vlog.
What are your next projects?
We have no fixed plans for upcoming projecet, but you can always see updates on Fynns facebook page for upcoming movies or small project-updates.
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